What the Hale-Bopp:
Promethean Comet of Miraculous Synchonicity

by Ken Kalb

With a thousand days until the new Millennium, the amazing blazing comet Hale-Bopp is sparkling in our pre-dawn skies.

Throughout history, cultures all over this planet have considered comets to be unique messengers, harbingers, and significators of particular qualities. Everything about Hale-Bopp confirms that this comet signifies an amplification of Aquarian energy: a period of synchronicities and miracles born of new alignments which facilitate the fulfillment of promise. Even it's discovery was a miracle.

Burning the midnight oil late one Cloudcraft, New Mexico Summer night about a year and a half ago, amateur astronomer Alan Hale spotted this huge fireball while surveying the vast infinitude of space through his telescope. At exactly the same time, on that same July 23rd night in neighboring Arizona, Thomas Bopp also found this most distant comet in the history of civilization. Now that is one miraculous synchronicity.

Of even greater cosmic coincidence, comet Hale-Bopp makes its closest approach to Earth between March 22 and the 26th, exactly one year after another surprise comet, Hyutake, appeared blue in the Spring skies! Since I had designated Spring Equinox, 1996 as the commencement of the true Aquarian period, I felt comet Hyutake must be the significator of this shift of the ages, and perhaps the blue star kachina of Hopi prophecy.

I find it most significant that Hale-Bopp traveled through all the zodiacal flashpoints of the GaiaMind alignment of January 23rd through the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of the Valentine weekend portal in mid-February. This conjunction at 5 degrees of Aquarius was supported by the star formation of 3 other planets at 5 degrees, representing an expansion and combustion of the radiance of the human spirit. I feel that Hale-Bopp is the pilot light igniting this spirit and activating the new Aquarian energy of the Now Age.

With its closest passage right after the Spring Equinox in 1997, the fact that it is so big and so bright, and so right for the times--Hale-Bopp signifies the rebirth of the Promethean spirit within humankind. Henceforth, a core of humanity will dig a little deeper and shine a little brighter with the genius of mind, the beauty of heart, and the divinity of spirit to align to activate a vision that all living beings can share.

This comet passes during a period of quantum technological advance, magnificent exploration and discovery, greater interconnectedness, breakthroughs in virtually all areas of life, and cathartic spiritual awakening.

From the moment of its discovery, the grapevine was flooded with wild speculation about this comet. First, Hale-Bopp was said to be the size of a planet, heading on a direct collision course with the Earth. It became the source of several sensationalist tabloid features, and even an NBC-TV movie about a giant asteroid smashing the Earth.

Again, quite coincidentally, this movie called Asteroid, aired on February 16th, just hours before the announcement of the discovery of "smoking gun" evidence by an international expedition of scientists in the Atlantic Ocean claiming "proof positive" of the meteor which crashed into the Earth which extinguished the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

The truth of Hale-Bopp seems stranger than the fiction surrounding it, with its appearance clarifying its true nature.

Probably because of its long period 3-4000 year elliptical orbit around the Sun, it has been speculated that Hale-Bopp was Zachariah Sitchin's theoretical 12th planet, Nibiru, returning for a millennial rendezvous. Another notion, that Hale-Bopp will appear bright red and thus signify the Comet of Satan has also gristed in the rumor mill. Recently, a photograph of the comet followed by a large ringed companion (SLO, or Saturn like Object) rang out of the Art Bell radio show into new age outrageousness. Despite thorough debunking of the SLO, a contingent of thought still believes this to be a Mother Ship or a huge fleet of spacecraft approaching the Earth for mass landings.

As Hale-Bopp approaches the speculation burns away, leaving only the truth which always shines brighter than any fiction. Just as the Uranus-ruled Aquarian age awakens and clarifies the illusions of the Neptune-ruled Piscean age, Hale Bopp's appearance will expose its naked truth. It will indeed be large by comet standards, with a nucleus some 25 miles in diameter -- the size of the greater Los Angeles area -- and a tail over a million miles long! Though its closest passage to the Earth will be more than 120 million miles away, about half the distance between the Earth and the Moon, it should appear as bright as a Zero magnitude star--about the same brightness as Vega in the constellation Lyra.

In early March the comet will be low on the eastern horizon just before dawn, and appear as a fuzzy star to the naked eye. The best viewing will be from late March through mid-April, when Hale-Bopp should be at peak brightness, where it will appear in the Northwest after sunset. I might just have to spring for some binoculars this Spring and focus in on this big bright flash of light.

So be an early bird and catch a glimpse of this Promethean messenger illuminating the golden dawn. Or watch a gorgeous sunset and gaze at this new energy rising into the night sky, and consider all the miraculous synchronicities holding promise in your own life. Hale-Bopp is igniting a new era with a brighter vision for yourself and humankind.

Ken Kalb is a healer, astrologer, success strategist, and futurist with 25 years experience, author of the highly regarded book, The Grand Catharsis (on special for just $12 postpaid!), and director of Lucky Star, a brilliant interpretive astrological service operating since 1980 (Call for a free brochure at 1-800-969-4401). Ken also does a limited number of personal consultations.